that's it.
This horrible, cowardly act of hate has once again, brought out the love. As i watch the devastating images on tv, my broken heart swells with pride and admiration for the outpooring of love and unity of strangers. We've seen this before...on 9/11, in Oklahoma City, in Columbine, in Aurora, in Newtown... People moving into the danger to help others, strangers comforting one another, offering hope and...
God bless Boston
Feel the love...
Free PDF print from Sarah Jane Studios here
"The good outnumber you, and we always will" by Patton Oswalt, must read here
New York Yankees fans pay tribute to Boston victims, watch video here
True Dat. Beautifully stated.
Posted by: Carolyn@Sweet Chaos | April 17, 2013 at 11:20 AM
40 years since I learned who he was and 10 since he died... and Fred's still never been wrong
Posted by: Uncle Ed | April 17, 2013 at 05:03 PM
I love how you put the heart over Boston. I firmly believe you are right--love does win! Not far from us here in Texas there was a horrible explosion in the town of West. So many things that hurt my heart are happening lately. But like I told my boys, there is much more good in the world than bad. One of my favorite quotes is "BElieve THEre is GOOD in the world." Thank you for sharing your beautiful art :)
Posted by: Renee M. | April 18, 2013 at 10:25 PM