Once again, i was blown away by the turn out and excitement at my Holiday Open Studio. Lots of familiar faces, family and friends and lots of new friends, too! If you weren't able to make it, here are some pictures that capture the studio all decked out for it's biggest annual event!
These snowmen were a last minute idea that popped into my head 2 days before the big day. I used only supplies that i had on hand (including the wood). I was only able to make a dozen of them and they sold out pretty quickly. I promise to make larger quantities of everything for next year. I should probably start producing in January!
These artsy fartsy necklaces also sold out quickly. I will be replenishing these all year long and yes, i promise to get them into my etsy shop for all of my out of town friends!
This year we expanded the studio into what was formally my dining room, next to the studio. The dining room furniture has been relocated to the sun porch by the pool and it looks so pretty there! I will share pics of that another day. We moved all of my supplies out of the studio and into this room, allowing for a little more elbow room in the studio. I bought that light at IKEA this year. I had been drooling over it for the past few years and never had a place to put it...until now!!! i lurrve it!
These signs were a HUGE hit this year. Again, they were another "hmmm, what could i do with this wood?" brainstorm. Now, i have ideas for all the holidays to come. They are fun to make and fun to display! I love to hand letter!
Thanks to everyone who came out to support me and my little studio that could. Thanks to my family and friends who helped me get organized and ready for this weekend. I have to be honest and share with you that a little over a month ago, i was completely drained emotionally and creatively. Mark's mom had suffered a stroke and i spent a week helping to care for her in the hospital and rehab center. I didn't know how i would be able to pull this open studio off and help my in-laws and be a mom, fulfill my etsy orders, and show my work in a local salon, too. I prayed and prayed for some direction, a sign, anything. Within a day or two, i got this wild burst of creativity. There weren't enough hours in the day to do everything that i wanted to do, but i had this clarity about how to go about getting what was important done. And, no...it isn't lost on me that i prayed for a sign and got the idea to make all of those signs you see above! Ha! God has a great sense of humor! I LOVE what i do and sharing it with all of you. In a million years i never dreamed this is where my art would take me, but i do love the way God is showing me how to use the talent He gave me. I have so much to be thankful for. ♥
p.s. Mark's mom is doing really, really well and came home this week from the rehabilitation center. We are all so happy to have her home!
Lori- I want to place my order now for the Snowman. =) He must come live with me!!
So glad Mark's Mom is doing well. Hope you all have a Very Merry Christmas.
Posted by: Susan | December 07, 2012 at 10:24 AM
Looks like a wonderful open house, sweet friend! SO glad God showed you the way through all of that and Mark's Mom is home and doing better! Hugs!!
Posted by: Kristina | December 07, 2012 at 10:54 AM
when I grow up - can I be just like you?? What an AWESOME event. wonderful art that makes me happy!
Posted by: julie | May 03, 2013 at 06:05 PM