I did it! I have always wanted to learn to knit and i finally did! My wonderful friend, Martha graciously agreed to teach us at a Craft Casserole class recently. She was fabulous! These are her boys who dropped by the class, on their way to a scouts meeting, to wish her luck teaching just before class began...
We were all knitting virgins. And Martha had her hands full with us. We were bamboozled at first. It was hard to get our hands moving in the right direction. But, eventually, we all got it! {to be fair, we all had that same expression on our faces at one point or another that night!}
Beth took pictures on her phone of her hands so that she would remember the positions. Genius!
The next day, my mom, my sister Susan and I all met for coffee to continue our knitting so we wouldn't forget the stitches.
Mom made homemade biscotti...yum!
I have been taking my knitting everywhere with me! In the football carpool line...
In the waiting room at the dentist's office...rinse and spit and knit and purl...
In front of the TV, watching the Olympics... {ok, so i wasn't a very efficient knitter while watching the Olympics...i was very distracted!} i may have dropped a stitch or two...
and at Griff's soccer practice...
We have to have our scarves finished by September 5th, when we have our second knitting class. At that time, Martha will be teaching us how to finish our scarves and we will begin our next project...fingerless gloves!!!! I LOVE knitting! I knew i would. Now, i just need to speed it up...there's only a few months left until Christmas and i've got a lot of scarves to make!
Is there something...some craft or skill that you've always wanted to learn to do? What's stopping you? I'd love to hear about it. I really don't know what took me so long...next on my list: learning to sew! Thank you, Martha for being such a great teacher! xo
Congratulations on learning a new craft! Knitting is fun, and I'm so glad i learned it when I was little. I've had much joy from it. Here in Norway we learn knitting in school. This year I will do it with my 4th grade.
Posted by: Solveig | August 25, 2012 at 04:32 PM