This one's for you, Mimi...
Listen to the Doris Day audio of the song "a Bushel and a Peck" ...
...don't you just LOVE Doris Day?!
Mark's Mom has been singing that song to my kids since they were born. They call her "Mimi". Those sweet sentimental memories inspired this new print.
{Mimi and her grandbabies in November}
I posted a copy of this new print on my personal facebook page and couldn't believe how many of my friend's parents or grandparents sang it to them, too. I loved hearing all of their stories. Now, i'm all nostalgic and i'm thinking i need to paint the song my grandma {whom we also called "Mimi"} sang to me! My sisters and Mom will know exactly what song that is. The rest of you will have to wait....! Do you have happy memories of songs that your grandmothers sang to you?
Love it! Tora Lora Lora is popular with we Irish folk. My grandparents used to sing that to us, and now my mom sings it to my babies :)
Posted by: Carolyn@Sweet Chaos | January 25, 2012 at 11:21 PM
I do! My grandparent both sang ALL THE TIME! My grandpa made up all sorts of funny lyrics and would belt them out without warning. :) But the song I remember most and used to beg them to sing over and over (even when I was in high school, I still loved hearing it) was "The Three Little Fishies." After I had Alex, they sang it to him in his crib. I remember my grandma crying as they sang it. Emotion overload! About a year later my grandpa died, and the precious image of them singing my favorite childhood song to their first great grandchild is forever in my memory bank! Just in case you're dying to hear it! :)
Posted by: Leslie W. | January 26, 2012 at 09:11 AM