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January 05, 2012


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awww ... chin up, hon.
I know how frustrating this is. I'd like to think that karma will come back on those people, but who knows.
It's the nature of the internet, unfortunately. You take a chance every time you post.
I'm glad you found these people and confronted them though. Yay! Pretty ballsy of them, in your own hometown, if you ask me.

Funnily enough, just yesterday I spotted a holiday print on pinterest and knew IMMEDIATELY that it was yours :) So I took the extra ten minutes it took me to finally locate the source and make sure it went back to you, and it did. To flickr, actually. See, I think it's just as important for all of us to have each other's back.

I have mixed feelings about Pinterest, but that's another post ;)

Jen B

Lori, I'm so, so sorry that this happened to you! You are such a warm, wonderful, giving person I'm sure if these people actually *knew* you they wouldn't even think of doing something so blatant and reprehensible. I'm seeing a growing number of blog posts relating to Pinterest and pinning responsibly, hopefully awareness is being raised--I know mine is. Keep moving forward, you and your art are a wonderful gift :-)

Jeanne Lobsinger

I am so sorry that happened to you. I really appreciate your freebies, I printed them out at Christmas and put them on the gifts. Everyone who got one of your labels made a comment! Thank you for sharing and not taking them down.

Miss Paula

Whenever I see your art on Pinterest with nothing or Flickr etc., I put your name in because I know that is protocol and you r my friend!! Looking out for u from CA


I'm so sorry! I found you because I was tracing back the source of a pretty drawing I saw on Pinterest! I was actually planning to share it on my blog when I realized it was someone's copyrighted work! So take heart - there are good people out in cyberland who are not stealing your handiwork! I've actually started making sure to actually type in the source of Pins on Pinterest because it's so easy to rabbit trail and lose the real source of something. It is the biggest negative of Pinterest, in my opinion.


Oh my Goodness! Don't be brokenhearted!! THEY should be ashamed of themselves!!! Your work is awesome and I swear if I ever post it anywhere you will get full, glowing, admiring credit. :-) Besides, it's YOUR creativity and YOUR imagination and talent and they can never steal that.

Carolyn@Sweet Chaos

I hate to hear that, Lori! I can't believe someone stole it and had the nerve to sell it around here. From the picture, it looks like that person had a hodge podge of things for sale. Makes you wonder if it was all stolen. Argh!


I just found you today PLEASE don't go away!! ♥ Cindi

Andi Butler

I will never understand why this happens. Whenever I find printables or cards or whatever, that an artist is generously making available, you POST THE LINK!! You don't take it as your own, hack! I'm so sorry to hear this Lori, I wish I could tell you it would be the last time...chin up, don't hide your creativity away because of some jerks...

a : )

Cyndi J

I can not believe that people would blatantly sell your stuff as their own right under your nose like that!! I am SO SO SO sorry that people have done this to you!! I love all your printables and I hope that you won't stop sharing. I hope that you won't let a couple of people ruin what 99.5% of us enjoy :-) THANK YOU for all your work!!


Offering heartfelt hugs and sympathy!! I am very sorry you had to deal with during the holidays and the new year. You offer so much inspiration, hope and encourgrment to others!!!!

Karin R

Thank you for posting this. I had pinned a couple of your favorite prints on my pinterest board but wasn't sure whether or not that was okay; they linked back to your etsy store so that people can go buy them if they want to. I can't imagine deliberately taking someone's creativity and using it to make money. Sorry that you have had to deal with this. You are such an encouraging, cheerful person, and I smile every time I see your work!

April W

Wow I'm so sorry this happened to you. :( I totally understand why you're so upset and frustrated, as you have every right to be! Good for you for speaking up and putting this out there...
- April


I came over from Kerry's blog. I can't belive someone would do that. I appreciate bloggers who give clipart away for free because I enjoy using them for crafts to give to people and a lot of times it saves me time. Thank you. I am going to print your Valentine Cards to give to co-workers!


I also found you through Kerry's Blog and am so happy to have found you. Some people are just disgusting and have no respect for other people. With that in mind, you now have one more person to support you and to catch these thieves!! Your work is awesome!!


aww that makes my heart so sad.
and to say it wasn't her fault?? :(

so terrible!
hope 2012 is treating you well!


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