Every vacation spot has that one restaurant that everyone loves...THE place to go for your favorite food and awesome atmosphere. You know the place where you have to wait 2 hours just to get a table? Well, in Gulf Shores, that place is here for us...
Only, we've figured out that if we head there for lunch instead of dinner, there is no waiting. So, we pick one day, take the kids go carting in the morning {early bird lower prices and no lines} and then hit the Hangout for lunch. Then, we head back to the beach for the rest of the day. Works for us.
G was finally tall enough to ride the go carts solo!!! He was so happy!!!
The Hangout is right on the GS public beach and completely open to the ocean breezes. There is so much to do and see and eat at this joint. I LOVE the gift shop...it's an attraction all by itself. now i want a circus tent on my studio ceiling...
hanging from the ceiling in the kids section...
fill out a small slip of paper with your wish and find an open spot on the wish wall...
there are enormous working helicopter rotor fans hanging from the soaring ceilings...
and Mark says they have the BEST fish tacos he's ever eaten. I'll take his word for it. I am the lone turf in this surf n turf family.
surrounding the restaurant is a play area for kids and adults.
these pails have white lights inside of them!
every so often sirens go off and all the kids come running to this machine that blasts suds for them to play in. Just steps away are outdoor showers for them to rinse off in. {kids wear their suits under their clothes}
They have live music every night on the outdoor stage, firepits, ping pong...fun.
My wish on the wish wall may or may not have had something to do with just that. ♥