I made these rings for K and her BFFs for Christmas. They are bound and determined to go to Italy...someday. They want to visit and study there. They are completely infatuated with all things Italian. K knows I went to Italy {and England & France} when i was in high school, with my Europeon History teacher and about 75 students (my friends) and chaperones. It was an amazing experience and i loved every minute of it. I'm not sure i was entirely appreciative of the things and places i saw while i was there (oh, the art!), even though we spent a year preparing and studying for our experience. When i look back at pictures, i marvel at it all. (these are my actual photos...note to self: next time you find yourself in front of these amazing sites, have someone else take your picture in front of them...so you have proof you were actually there!)
{having my portrait drawn for my parents in a piazza in Florence...trying to keep my mouth closed when i smiled because i had a mouth full of braces and didn't want that to be in my portrait. The portrait turned out to look a little on the seductive side...but my parents framed it anyway and it's hanging in their family room still today! :D}
I would LOVE for her to have all those experiences, too. Well, maybe not this experience...
{"smoking" stogies in a real Cockney pub in London! I had absolutely no clue what i was doing...but i knew the photo would freak out my parents...they were actually very cool about it}
Even, though the thought of sending her on a plane half way around the world without me is utterly terrifying.
{pic of my parents and I right before I got on the plane for Europe in 1985}
I want her to see the world...i want her to fulfill her dreams. For now, she is exploring her options and hopes to find a program that will take her there. We pray we can afford it! :)
Ciao, bella!
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