Our next door neighbors had a huge old oak tree removed from their front yard yesterday. It was a sight to see. We don't know how old it was, but it towered over their house.
Our neighbor Jim, was particularly torn up about it. In it's glory, it was a beautiful tree. Sadly, it died and for safety reasons, it had to come down. Jim really loved that tree. There has been lots of neighborly teasing...like offers to bring them meals, and liquor (to soften the pain). But, truthfully, we're all sad to see it go. So, his wife Stacey adorned it with the black ribbon for the last week of it's life.
We all toasted to the tree around our Halloween night bonfire and gave Jim our condolences. The kids loved watching the removal...cranes and cherry pickers and chainsaws and shredders...it was quite a show.
Good bye, old friend...looks like you'll be hanging around for a while, after all.