One of the drawbacks (don't get me started) to starting back to school so early is that the Indiana State Fair is just getting started when the kids go back to school. I counted, and there are still 39 days of summer left...and my kids are in a classroom! Well, school night or not, we decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather, and headed to the State Fair last night. It's a little slice of Americana...that makes you feel proud of your state and down right neighborly. There is so much to see, do and eat and everyone has a different agenda.
This year, everyone's family entertainment budget is tighter; including ours. However, we were able to enjoy the Fair even on our shoestring budget. I'll give you my tips on how we did it.
- First of all, last Monday, the Indy Star published a free ticket in the paper...I asked friends and family for theirs if they weren't using them. We ended up with one for each of us and a few extra, which we passed on to the car behind us on our way in. The free tix were only good Wed & Thurs, but the crowds are much lighter on weeknights and that was a big plus. I heard a rumor that The Star will be doing the same thing next week, too! Admission would have cost my family $38!
- I carried a backpack purse and brought bottled waters for us...pop/waters are $3-5 each!
- A lot of people come to the Fair for the food and although, we love it too, feeding a family of 5 at the Fair can cost a small fortune. We ate a light dinner before we went and mostly splurged on the desserts...elephant ears, cotton candy, honey whipped vanilla ice cream...we all went home happy.
Here are a few of our can't miss it items on our State Fair to-do list:
We love visiting all the animal barns! I think the cows are my favorite. There's just something about their big brown sweet.
I spied a heart on the side of this champion dairy cow...
Can't miss the Livestock Nursery, too...where all the expectant mama cows are in labor. If you're lucky, you might get to see one born! Oh, I feel your pain, Lucy!
I'm a sucker for the mamas and their babies...
I was shocked to meet this guy there...he's a z-donk...half zebra/half donkey! Who knew? Look, he even smiled for my picture!
We always stop in the Ag/Horticulture building to see the prize winning veggies and live honey bees. This 401 lb. blue ribbon pumpkin was right next to the prize winning hay bales...that cracked me can get a blue ribbon for a hay bale?
The kids and I want to enter in this category next art. This year's theme was famous Hoosiers. This one was my favorite's Orville Redenbacher!!!! Love it!
There was a canned veggie sculpture contest and the sculptures were awesome. My faves...

It's just wrong that the Pork Tent is right outside of the Swine building...
At the Fair, you can get just about any food, deep fried or covered in chocolate. This year's new offering was Chocolate covered bacon. They call it 'Pigs in the Mud'. I didn't try it, but there was a long line of takers. (sorry for the blurry pic...we were driving by on the tram.)

There was a lot we didn't have time to get to...the Dairy barn milkshakes, the Home & Family Arts building, the rabbits and chickens, etc... What's your favorite thing to do, see or eat at your State Fair? I'd love to know!