All things nautical today...this little illustration came to me in my sleep last night! Seriously! I doodled it out in my sketchpad this morning and then played around with the wacom. It's late and I should be in bed. R has a big doc appointment in the morning...poor guy has been such a trooper about being in that awful back brace all summer. He is absolutely counting on the doc telling him that he can ease out of it tomorrow. I pray he is right. We will get results of a scan tomorrow and find out the next step. We are staying positive and completely giving it up to God. He is captain of this ship.
The latest new print in my shop is this one from an Illustration Friday piece I made last year. I hadn't made any prints of it until's one of my favorites. I hope you enjoy it.
P.S. Lots of new blogs added to my yummy blogs list over there to your left. There is so much amazing talent out there. Steal away a little time, won't you, and allow yourself to get lost in the blogiverse for a while. It's dreamy.