I love my minivan. Don't get me wrong. The Honda Odyssey is a sweet ride. I really do love it and am so thankful to have it.
But, I spied this pick up truck in the parking lot at the high school and it got me thinking.
I know, crazy right?! It's just sometimes, I wish my ride was a little more 'me'...instead of like every other mom in America. I know that for practical purposes...i have to have a minivan. I've got 3 kids and we road trip and shlep a lot of friends and cousins and well, stuff. But, as I was sitting in the high school parking lot waiting to pick up one of my kids, this pick up truck kept calling to me.
It's not fancy...the truck itself is not really anything special...except that the owner has made it their own. I don't know what the donut logo is about...no clue...but it's cool. I even love the multi toned paint job which really just looks like they sanded down the blue paint to the metal.
I've always daydreamed about having a brick and mortar store (for my art & junking rehabbed furniture) and thought it would be so cool to have an old yellow pick up with store logo on it. Here are some other really cool vehicles that I've spied in my travels that i would love to make my own...
This was parked outside of a store called the "happy Shak" in Alabama...so fun...
This jeep-like vehicle was really a Toyota. I found it in the parking lot at our resort on vacay. The kids thought it was so cool that the steering wheel was on the right side (or the wrong side as they see it).
I found this in the pile of matchbox cars that the boys were playing with...how cool is this?
Finally, the most awesome one that I drool over every time we pass it. It's been parked for a few years in a lot just a few miles from our house. Nobody does anything with it...so sad....such a waste. I think it would be so cool to paint it a high gloss red with big white polka dots and turn it into a mobile art store...traveling from show to show...town to town.
you never know...maybe someday...