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« Happiness in my mailbox | Main | Right now I'm loving... »

January 12, 2009


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Its very hard to choose, they are all sooooo cute! I think my favorite is the Make a Wish set! You are so talented!


Its hard to choose, they all are so cute! I think my favorite is the Make a Wish set. Thanks!


Everything is so cute but if I had to choose it would be Merci Merci. My husband is a French teacher at a junior High He would love it


All are too darling! But since I have to choose, I choose, Make A Wish. I see alot of handmade birthday cards and gift tags to be made with this stamp. And, speaking of gift tags, thank you Lori for your gift of Christmas gift tags. I printed out several pages on card stock, then cut them out with decorative scissors. I did this AFTER Christmas, so I'm all set for next year!


Love the we go together like peanut butter and jam its so cute. Make a wish is another one I think I would use alot.


I agree with everyone, they are so cute. I like the Make a Wish stamp. You are so talented! Love keepin' up with the blog.


Dear Lori,
I've been reading you from Portugal!!!I just love your work and I have been inspired by your creations and all the happiness you pass to your readers (at least to me!).
I would love to have one of your stamps and my favorite is Merci-Merci; I just came back from Paris were I spent my year end!!!:)
Congratulations on your “happy place”…maybe one day I quit my office routine and get something similar to myself…one day!
Keep on with your great work!!
Your portuguese reader, Rita


I love reading the posts the best because these people get the wonderful-ness that is you my sweet sister!! Your talent is enormous but your heart is even bigger. I adore you. xoxoxo. mik


they're all so cute!!! I think my favorite is the angel food cake stamp!


I see I'm not alone in that my favorite is the Make A Wish set. I love to paper piece the wrapper!
Congrats on your 200th post. This is my first visit here but I'll be back!

Andrea Plotts

Congrats on 200 posts! YAY! I love all of your wonderful creations, they are so whimsy and adorable. Its sooo hard to choose just one favorite. But I think I love the Cookies and Milk in love set because my hubby used to tell me all the time that he loved me and that we go together like cookies and milk. So thats kinda got some personal love behind it :D BUT again I LOVE EM ALL!

debbie Ebat

please enter me in your drawing... someday I will have a blog to

Christy Dillman

Congrats on 200 posts, this is my 1st visit also but I will be checking back often. My fave is Like peanut butter & jelly as my oldest son is a very picky eater and eats PB&J everyday for lunch at school and had for 8 years.

Terri Scott

My fave is Make A Wish, but I also loved the Angel Food Cake and the Devil's Food Cake! If I win, any of those would be fantastic! Congrats on the 200 posts!

Carla Pullum

I love this one
Waffle & Syrup Stamp Set!!!

Erin McMilon

well, i love the cookies and milk, but i already bought it - oh i love the stacking up, but wait, i bought that one too - so my next favorite to win *wink* is the Merci stamp!

Sunee Stevens

Lori! I'm loving the new stamps! I will have to get some for my Lee Lee! We love making cards with stamps and yours are too cute! How great to see your designs for others to create with! Congrats!

Katie Skiff

I love them all!! I like the names of the cakes tho, and I like the Devil's Food Cake the best since I like that cake the best! LOL... What a smart idea!!
Good luck with more!

Shanda Panda

I love the stamps!
My favorite is the peanut butter and jelly one.


Congratulation and count me in!

Cheri Howard

"Devil's Food Cake" or "Cookies and Milk"?!?!?! I just can't pick!!!!

Brittany R

Hi there!
Thanks for the chance to win!
My favourite stamp is the We Go Together Like Bacon and Eggs, it just looks so delicious!
I have also linked your site on my blog http://blogcandysightings.blogspot.com/

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