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  • I'm just a girl who loves being a mom and wife. I am also a freelance illustrator who loves to paint, draw and craft. Whimsy studios is the fusion of my need for a creative outlet and the inspiration that comes from my whimsical life.
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November 16, 2008


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Love this post Lori! That ME article with Jan Dutcher's house is one of my all time favorites. I love the faces portrait idea and your interpretation with the separate canvases is so, so clever. Thanks for the step by step instructions, I might just try to muster up the patience to try this some day : ) The result looks great!


that looks fab! i should try that out someday... when i have my own family and kids ;)

another variation is having everyone draw pictures of everyone! check out this sweet blog: http://isaacgracelily.blogspot.com/search?q=Family+Portrait+Party

ooh i'm so looking forward to having kids immediately if only for that. hahahaha :)


the best part is g's sweet face in the mirror. i love that kid!! xo, pink


I love this idea!


I *LOVE* your take on this! Breaking it up into multiple canvases is FANTASTIC! I have that ME article and have been meaning to do it forever. The holidays would be the perfect time. I'd love to link to this if you don't mind!


I love this idea and hope you don't mind if I steal it.:)


that is *so* cool :)


So, so cute!


Okay, this is AMAZING. I love it. I am going to come back and savor this post, but i'm in a hurry. I wanted to just tell you how much I love it, though! Maybe I will comment again once I have a chance to sit down and read the whole thing!


this is so charming! glad it was featured on www.oneprettything.com which was how i found you.

that ME jan dutcher article is my all time favorite, and i'd just looked at it again last week for inspiration. so i recognized the style immediately. but i love your twist of using the individual canvases which can be swapped out and rearranged and added to. genius!!


This project would be awesome in my classroom! Thanks!

alanna in Portland, Oregon

Thanks for the post! It inspired our own portrait party http://paintedcats.blogspot.com/2008/12/christmas-portrait-party.html


Okay, I'm back to let you know that we did this on Christmas Eve! It was tons of fun! Thank you so much for sharing.

Here are our portraits: http://croqzine.com/blog/?p=788


I just love the idea of the self portraits on your wall!! Thanks for great inspiration. I've never seen your blog before, but Im going to spend some time looking around now;)


cheryl alt

I have been turning my house upside down searching for that article! Do you happen to have a copy of the photo that was printed in the Home Companion magazine? (Or can you tell me what issue it was in?) I'm hoping to have my daughter's & her fiance's friends and family do this as a wedding gift and I would like to include a copy of the photo so they'll know what I'm talking about! Thank you so much. You are a life saver.


I love your individual canvases! I also used this idea several years ago after being inspired by the ME article. We used the small 2x3 canvases to make a retirement gift for a dear friend.

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